WASP2 Observing Procedure ======================== 1. Turn on the WASP2 power supply. Pull and flip the toggle switch on the WASP2 power supply unit upward. 2. Turn on the preamplifier power supply. There is no switch. Plug in the AC cord to the power strip next to the WASP2 rack. The AC cord is tucked underneath the WASP2 unit. 3. Turn on the down converter power supply, if it is used and if it had been turned off. It is mounted next to Frank Rice's receiver with the mixer bias box, etc., at the Cassegrain focus. 4. Tune up Frank Rice's receiver. Set LO for the 4-8 GHz IF. Instructions can be found elsewhere (http://www.cso.caltech.edu/docs/hiro/wideband/index.html). 5. Log on to kilauea as a user "wasp". Or log on as yourself, open a terminal (xterm, dtterm, etc.), and su to "wasp": kilauea% su - wasp Contact me for password. 6. Execute a script "/usr/local/gag/usejan02": kilauea% source /usr/local/gag/usejan02 The WASP2 software requires the older version of CLASS. 7. Change directory to "wasp2": kilauea% cd ~/wasp2 and execute a script "wasp_start": kilauea% source wasp_start Hit [RETURN] once to accept the default "~/wasp2/data" as a directory where all the data will be stored. 8. Specify a FITS file to save data. For example, to save data to a file named "060126.fits" in the "~/wasp2/data" directory, execute: kilauea% waspset fitsfile=060126.fits Instruct the WASP2 software to also write data to a CLASS file named "classdat.dat": kilauea% waspset classout=t 9. Make sure things are working at this point by taking a zero scan: kilauea% zero repeat=1 10. Also take a TCAL scan to verify that the system is working properly: kilauea% tcal tcaltype=vane thot=-1 tcold=-1 defhot=ambient defcold=sky Note that the WASP2 reports a DSB system temperature, while the facility AOSs display a system temperature for a SSB signal. 11. Point the telescope using the AOS5. Instructions can be found elsewhere. 12. Start the chopping secondary mirror: UIP> SECONDARY 120 1 /ANALOG_PID_ONLY and switch to the TTL mode. To tune the chopping secondary mirror, a dummy observing command like the following has to be entered: kilauea% nobs exposure=10000 nodtime=10000 nodwait=0 chopfreq=1 chopwait=0 13. Switch the telescope to the "Chicago" mode: UIP> CHICAGO 60 -60 The amplitude of two nodding offsets should be half of the chop throw, and the first offset should be positive and the second be negative. 14. Go to your source then take data: kilauea% nobs exposure=120 nodtime=10 nodwait=4 chopfreq=1 chopwait=0.15 WASP2 Shutdown Procedure ======================= 1. Get out of the "Chicago" mode: UIP> CHICAGO /STOP and stop the chopping secondary mirror: UIP> SECONDARY /ANALOG_PID_ONLY /STOP 2. Turn off the receiver. 3. Turn off the down converter power supply if it was used. 4. Turn off the preamplifier power supply by unplugging the AC cord from the power strip. 5. Turn off the WASP2 power supply. 6. Backup your data files.