Antenna Computer Boards and I/O Signals as of Oct. 28, 1996

Slot	Board		Connector		Function

1	SBE MLAN-E				Ethernet Board.   Must live in
						slot 1, and is "Bus Master".
						We have a spare for this board.

			15 pin square		Connects to ethernet tranceiver

2	SBE M68000				Single Board computer.   10 MHz
						plain vanilla 68000 CPU. 1/2
						MByte RAM.   We have spares
						for this board.   Do not use
						the board marked "Original
						antenna" as a spare - it won't
						work in an ethernet environment.

			Right 50 Pin		Serial I/O - Port B is connected
						to the terminal server, and is
						used during the boot process.
						Port A is unused.

			Left 50 Pin		24 bits of Parallel I/0
						Pin Bit       Function
						50  --- WWV Clock Interupt
						48  PA0	NPL Encoder Hold
						46  PA1 Time Sync Reset (unimp)
						44  PA2 Antenna drive on
						42  PA3 Dome drive on
						40  PA4 Azimuth Enable
						38  PA5 Zenith Angle Enable
						36  PA6 Dome Enable
						34  PA7 Latch Set #1 (unimp)
						16  PB0 Latch Set #2 (unimp)
						14  PB1 unused
						12  PB2 unused
						10  PB3 unused
						 8  PB4 Deadman Pulse #1
						 6  PB5 Deadman Pulse #2
						 4  PB6 Spare on Relay board
						 2  PB6 Spare on Relay board
						24  PC0 Latch status 1 (unused)
						22  PC1 Latch status 2 (unused)
						20  PC2 Shttr. Open (unimp)
						18  PC3 Shttr. Closed (unimp)
3	zSBX 20					GPIB board.   Is not a full
						width Multibus board, but rather
						an SBX piggyback board on the
						CPU card.   ***NOTE*** There
						is no spare for this board, and
						it may be irreplacable!

			24 pin square		GPIB bus lines

4	Matrox MSBC 2480			CRT Controller - Generates the
						antenna computer display in the
						control room.   ***NOTE*** There
						is no spare for this card, and
						I'm quite sure it is irreplac-

			RCA jack		Composit video out

5	E M P T Y

6	Robotrol RMB-741			Analog I/O board.   We have a
						spare for this board.

			Right 50 pin card	pins 3&4   - Out Chan. 0 - Az
			edge (J1)		drive

						pins 7&8   - Out Chan. 1 - ZA

						pins 11&12 - Out Chan. 2 - Dome

						pins 15&16 - Out Chan. 3 - CIC
						Front panel out #1

						pins 19&20 - Out Chan. 4 - CIC
						Front panel out #2

						pins 23&24 - Out Chan. 5 - CIC
						Front panel out #3

						pins 27&28 - Out Chan. 6 - CIC
						Front panel out #4

			Middle 50 pin card	Unused - 5 spare analog inputs,
			edge (J2)		4 spare analog outputs

			Left 50 pin card	Pins 4&6   - In Chan. 0 - Analog
			edge (J3)		multiplexor

						Multiplexor Functions:
						Channel		Function
						0	A/F Tilt
						1	L/R Tilt
						2	Dome/Tel LVDT
						3	Air Pressure
						4	Humidity
						5	Temperature
						All others unused

						Pins 8&10  - In Chan. 1 - Front
						panel BNC analog input 1

						Pins 12&14 - In Chan. 2 - Front
						panel BNC analog input 2

						Pins 16&18 - In Chan. 3 - Front
						panel BNC analog input 3

						Pins 20&22 - In Chan. 4 - Front
						panel BNC analog input 4

7	OB68K/OCTAL				Serial I/O board.   ***NOTE***
						we do not have a spare for this
						board!   There is an unused
						serial port on the CPU card,

			34 pin right		Port A, DUART 0 - Stepper Motor
						controller 3 - Secondary Mirror

						Port B, DUART 0 - Stepper Motor
						controller 2 - Sidecab Mirrors
						linear axes

			34 pin right center	Port A, DUART 1 - Stepper Motor
						controller 1 - Sidecab Mirrors
						rotary axes

			34 pin left center	Unused - 2 spare serial lines

			34 pin left		Unused - 2 spare serial lines

8	OB68K230				96 TTL lines
						We have spares for this board

			50 pin right ribbon	Port A: unused
						Port B: Programmable Window
						Comparitor Xilinx communication
						(PPORT, in Lynn's terminology)

			50 pin right center	Port A: Xilinx communication for
						"Interferometer" (default) PLL
						PPORT in Lynn's terminology

						Port B: PWC Xilinx "Readback"

						Port C: Unused

			50 pin left center	Port A: Maute PLL YIG Preset
			ribbon			bits

						Port B:  Maute PLL Control:
						Bit	Function
						0	YIG ON/OFF
						1	YIG +LOCK or -LOCK
						2	Gunn On/Off
						3	Gunn +LOCK or -LOCK
						7	Mux On/Off

						Port C: Unused

			50 pin left ribbon	Port A: Backend communication:
						Bit	Function
						0	Idle/Track
						1	Acquired
						2	Altaz/Celes
						3	PLL Locked/Unlocked
						4	On/Off Position

						Port B: Backend communication
						        and Stop Button
						Bit	Function
						0	Backend busy?
						4	Stop Button Pressed?

9	E M P T Y

10	OB68K230				96 TTL lines
						We have spares for this board

			50 pin right ribbon	PA1(0-7) Az Encoder bits high
						PB1(0-7) Az Encoder bits middle
						PC1(0-4) Az Encoder Bits low
						PC1(5) CIC Patch Bit 0 in
						PC1(6) CIC Patch Bit 1 in
						PC1(7) CIC Patch Bit 2 in

			50 pin right center	PA2(0-7) ZA Encoder bits high
			ribbon			PB2(0-7) ZA Encoder bits middle
						PC2(0-4) ZA Encoder Bits low
						PC2(5) CIC Patch Bit 3 in
						PC2(6) CIC Patch Bit 4 in
						PC2(7) CIC Patch Bit 5 in

			50 pin left center	PA3(0) Overlap
			ribbon			PA3(1) Az+ limit
						PA3(2) Az- limit
						PA3(3) ZA+ limit
						PA3(4) ZA- limit
						PA3(5) Ant./Dome + limit (unimp)
						PA3(6) Ant./Dome - limit (unimp)
						PA3(7) Ant. Ult. limit (unimp)
						PB3(0) Dome Ult. limit (unimp)
						PB3(1) LMC (unimp)
						PB3(2) Sidecab Stop (unimp)
						PB3(3) Alidade Stop (unimp)
						PB3(4) TP Stop (unimp)
						PB3(5) Pit 1 Stop (unimp)
						PB3(6) Pit 2 Stop (unimp)
						PB3(7) Dome Stop (unimp)
						PC3(0) Ant. Remote/Local (unimp)
						PC3(1) Ant Motor Temp. (unimp)
						PC3(2) Ant Motor Fault (unimp)
						PC3(3) Dome Motor Temp. (unimp)
						PC3(4) Dome Motor Fault (unimp)
						PC3(5) Crane Stowed (unimp)
						PC3(6) Sewar Clear (unimp)
						PC3(7) Sidecab Door (unimp)

			50 pin left ribbon	PA4(0-2) Analog Mux Address
						PA4(3-7) CIC Patch Digital Out
						PB4(0-3) CIC Patch Digital Out
						PB4(4-7) Spare Relay Board
						PC4(0-5) CIC Patch Digital In
						PC4(6-7) Unused