Listed below is the CSO Publications list. Copies of CSO Publications can be found in the CSO Summit Library, CSO HP Office and the CSO Hilo Office. Look for a set of 6-7 white binders labeled "CSO Publications". If you would like a copy of a CSO Publication, please contact Diana Bisel and provide her with the publication number and title. Please do NOT remove Publications from the binder, it is for reference only. Mahalo for your Kokua! CSO Publications 1) "A Low Noise 230GHz SIS Receiver," Ellison, B.N. and Miller, R.E. 1987, Int'l J. IR & MM Waves, Vol. 8, No. 6, 609. 2) "CO Emission from Centaurus A," Phillips, T.G., Ellison, B.N., Keene, J.B., Leighton, R.B., Howard, R.J., Masson, C.R., Sanders, D.B., Veidt, B. and Young, K. 1987, Ap. J., 322, L73. 3) "A Broadband Low Noise SIS Receiver for Submillimeter Astronomy," Buttengbach, T., Miller, R.E., Wengler, M., Watson, D. and Phillips, T.G. 1988, IEEE - MTT, 36, 12. 4) "Techniques of Submillimeter Astronomy," Phillips, T.G. 1988, in Millimeter and Submillimeter Astronomy, R.D. Wolstencroft and W.B. Burton, eds. (Kluwer), p.1. 5) "Recent CO (2-1) Observations of Galaxies with CSO," Sargent, A.I., Phillips, T.G., Sanders, D.B. and Scoville, N.Z. 1988, in IAU Joint Commission Meeting, Baltimore. 6) "Millimeter Observations of Optically Selected Quasars," Keene, J., Neugebauer, G., Carico, D., Sanders, D.B. and Soifer, B.T. 1989, in Active Galactic Nuclei, D.E. Osterbrock and J.S. Miller, eds., (IAU Symposium 134), p. 396. 7) "The Structure of NGC7027 and a Determination of its Distance by Measurement of Proper Motions," Masson, C.R. 1989, Ap. J., 336, 294. 8) "CO Emission from Evolved Stars and Protoplanetary Nebulae," Knapp, G.R., Sutin, B.M., Phillips, T.G., Ellison, B.N., Keene, J.B., Leighton, R.B., Masson, C.R., Steiger, W., Veidt, B. and Young, K. 1989, Ap. J., 336, 822. 9) "A Solid-State Frequency Source for Radio Astronomy in the 100 to 1000 GHz Range," Rothermel, H., Phillips, T.G. and Keene, J.B. 1989, Int'l J. IR & MM Waves, Vol. 10, 1. 10) "A 345GHz SIS Receiver for Radio Astronomy," Ellison, B.N., Schaffer, P.L., Schaal, W., Vail, D. and Miller, R.E. 1989 Int'l J. IR & MM Waves, Vol. 10, No. 8. 11) "The Abundance's of Atomic Carbon and Carbon Monoxide Compared with Visual Extinction in the Ophiuchus Molecular Cloud Complex," Frerking, M., Keene, J., Blake, G., and Phillips, T.G. 1989, Ap. J., 344, 311. 12) "A very Fast Molecular Outflow from the Protoplanetary Nebula CRL 618," Gammie, C.F., Knapp, G.R., Young, K., Phillips, T.G. and Falgarone, E. 1989, Ap. J (letters), 345, L87. 13) "CO(2-1) Emission from the Interacting Galaxy Pair NGC3256," Sargent, A.I., Sanders, D.B. and Phillips, T.G. 1989, Ap. J. (Letters), 346, L9. ABSTRACT ONLY, Not a paper 14) "CO (J=3-2) Observations of the Plane of the Milky Way Galaxy," Wang, Z., Scoville, N.Z., Sanders, D. and Sargent, A.I. 1989, B.A.A.S., Vol. 21. Medium, G. Tenorio-Tagle, M. Moles and J. Melnick, eds. (Springer-Verlag). 16) "Planar Log Spiral Antennas and their Application in Quasioptical Focusing Systems," Rose, T., Zimmerman, P. and Bttgenbach, T., Paper Presented at Second International Symposium on Antennas and EM Theory, Shanghai, 1989. 17) "CO J=3-2 Observations of the Neutral Disk in Sagittarius A West," Sutton, E.C., Danchi, W.C., Jaminet, P.A. and Masson, C.R. 1990, Ap,J., 348, 503. 18) "1.3 mm Continuum Observations of Cold Molecular Cloud Cores," Walker, C., Adams, F. and Lada, C. 1990, Ap. J., 349, 515. 19) "Submillimeter Water Masers," Menten, K.M., Melnick, G.J. and Phillips, T.G. 1990, Ap. J (Letters), 350, L41. 20) "A Study of AFGL 5476: An Unusual Extended Infrared Source in the Galactic Center," Uchida, K. Morris, M. and Serabyn, E. 1990, Ap. J., 351, 443. 21) "A Scale Mixer Model for SIS Waveguide Receivers," Bttgenbach, T., Groesbeck, T. and Ellison, B. 1990, Int'l J. IR & MM Waves , Vol. 11, No. 1. 22) "Settling of Gas Disks in Elliptical Galaxies," de Zeeuw, P.T. 1990, in Proceedings of the Heidelberg Conference on "Dynamics and Interactions of Galaxies," Heidelberg, R. Wielen, ed., (Springerverlag) 23) "Detection of a 45 AU Radius Source Around L1551-IRS 5: A Possible Accretion Disk," Keene, J. and Masson, C.R. 1990, Ap. J. 355, 635. 24) The Self-Similar Structure of Molecular Clouds," Falgarone, E. and Phillips, T.G. 1990, in Submillimeter Astronomy, G.D. Watt and A.S. Webster, eds. (Kluwer), pp. 9-10. 25) "CO Observations of Evolved Giant Starts," Knapp, G.R., Gammie, C.F., Young, K. and Phillips, T.G. 1990, in Submillimeter Astronomy, G.D. Watt and A.S. Webster, eds. (Kluwer), pp. 33-34. 26) "A New Technique for Surface Measurements of Radio Telescopes," Serabyn, E., Masson, C.R. and Phillips, T.G. 1990, in Submillimeter Astronomy, G.D. Watt and A.S. Webster, eds. (Kluwer), pp. 41- 42. 27) "Millimeter and Optical Observations of Translucent Molecular Clouds," van Dishoeck, E.F., Black, J.H. and Phillips, T.G. 1990, in Submillimeter Astronomy, G.D. Watt and A.S. Webster, eds. (Kluwer), pp. 103-104. 28) "A Submillimeter Line Survey of SGR B2," Sutton, E.C., Jaminet, P.A., Danchi, W.C., Masson, C.R. and Blake, G.A. 1990, in Submillimetre and Millimeter Wave Astronomy, G.D. Watt and A.S. Webster, eds. (Kluwer), pp. 105-106. 29) "Millimeter Observations of Luminous IRAS Galaxies," Keene, J., Carico, D., Neugebauer, G. and Soifer, B.T. 1990, in Submillimetre Astronomy, G.D. Watt and A.S. Webster, eds. (Kluwer), pp. 209- 210. 30) "CO (2-1) / CO (1-0) Observations of Luminous Infrared Galaxies," Sanders, D.B., Sargent, A.I., Scoville, N.Z. and Phillips, T.G. 1990, in Submillimetre Astronomy, G.D. Watt and A.S. Webster, eds. (Kluwer), pp. 213-214. 31) "CO (2-1) Emission from NGC 3256: An Interacting Pair of Galaxies," Sargent, A.I., Sanders, D.B. and Phillips, T.G. 1990, in Submillimetre Astronomy, G.D. Watt and A.S. Webster, eds. (Kluwer), pp. 221-222. 32) "CO (2-1) Studies of Centaurus A," Phillips, T.G., Sanders, D.B. and Sargent, A.I. 1990, in Submillimetre Astronomy, G.D. Watt and A.S. Webster, eds. (Kluwer), pp. 223-224. 33) "A Search for Dense Gas Around Young Stars," Masson, C.R., Keene, J.B., Mundy, L.G., Blake, G.A., Sutton, E.C., Danchi, W. and Jaminet, P. 1990, in Submillimetre Astronomy, G.D. Watt and A.S. Webster, eds. (Kluwer), pp. 265-266. 34) "The Extremely High Velocity CO Flow in HH 7-11," Masson, C.R., Mundy, L.G. and Keene, J. 1990, Ap,J. (Letters), 357, L25. 35) "A Signature of the Intermittency of Interstellar Turbulence: The Wings of Molecular Line Profiles," Falgarone, E. and Phillips, T.G. 1990, Ap. J., 359, 344. 36) "SIS Receivers for Submillimeter Wave Astronomy," Phillips, T.G., Bttgenbach, T.H. and Ellison, B.N. March 1990, in First International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, NASA/JPL S Symposium Proceedings, P. 343. 37) "A New Submillimeter Water Maser Transition at 325 GHz," Menten, K.M., Melnick, G.J., Phillips, T.G. and Neufeld, D.A., 1990, Ap. J. (Letters), 363, L27. 38) "C I, C II, and CO as Tracers of Gas Phase Carbon," Keene, J. 1990, in Carbon in the Galaxy: Studies from Earth and Space, J.C. Tarter, S. Chang and D.J. DeFrees, eds., NASA CP-3061, P. 181. 39) "A Submillimeter Mission for the 1990s, SMMM,"Phillips, T.G. 1990, ESA Conference Proceedings of the 29th Li~ege International Astrophysical Colloquium From Ground-Based to Space-Borne Sub-mm Astronomy, B. Kaldeich, eds., ESA SP-314, pp. 221-228. 40) "Submillimeter Water maser at 321 and 325 GHz," Menten, K.M., Melnick, G.J. and Phillips, T.G., 1990, ESA Conference Proceedings of the 29th Liege International Astrophysical Colloquium From Ground-Based to Space-Borne Sub-mm Astronomy, B. Kaldeich 41) "The Caltech Submillimeter Observatory," Phillips, T.G. 1990, ESA Conference Proceedings of the 29th Lige International Astrophysical Colloquium From Ground-Based to Space-Borne Sub-mm Astronomy, B. Kaldeich, ed., ESA SP 314, p. 291. 42) "An International Program for Submillimeter and Far-Infrared Astronomy from Space," Phillips, T.G. and Genzel, R. 1990, ESA Conference Proceedings of the 29th Lige International Astrophysical Colloquium From Ground-Based to Space-Borne Sub-mm Astr 43) "A Submillimeter Mission for the 1990s: SMMM," Phillips, T.G. 1990, in Observatories in Earth Orbit and Beyond, IAU Colloquium #123, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Y. Kono, ed. (Kluwer), pp. 231-249. 44) "CO- J= 3 - 2 Observations of Translucent and high-Latitude Molecular Clouds," van Dishoeck, E.F., Black, J.H., Phillips, T.G. and Gredel, R. 1991, Ap. J., 366, 141. 45) "High Density Gas in the Core of the Sagittarius B2 Molecular Cloud," Lis, D.C. and Goldsmith, P.F. 1991, Ap. J. 369, 157. 46) "Protostellar Condensations in the Core of NGC 2024," Lis, D.C., Carlstrom, J.E. and Phillips, T.G. 1991, Ap. J, 370, 583. 47) "Surface Figure Measurements of Radio Telescopes with a Shearing Interferometer," Serabyn, E., Masson, C.R. and Phillips, T.G. 1991, Applied Optics, 30 (10), 1227. 48) "Submillimeter Observations of CO in Mars' Atmosphere," Lellouch, E., Encrenaz, T., Phillips, T.G., Falgarone, E. and Billebaud, F. 1991, Planet Space Sci., 39 (1/2), 209. 49) "The H II Region G0.18-0.04: Ionization of a Molecular Cloud by Impact with a Strong Magnetic Field," Serabyn, E. and Gusten, R. 1991, Astron. Astrophys., 242, 376. 50) "VLSI Partitioning of a 2-Gs/s Digital Spectrometer," Von Herzen, B. 1991, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 26 (5), 768. 51) "Size and Density Distribution of Very Small Dust Grains in the Barnard 5 Cloud," Lis, D.C. and Leung, C.M. 1991, Ap. J (Letters) , 372, L107. 52) "A Low Noise 230 GHz Heterodyne Receiver Employing .25/m2 Nb/A1-A1-A1Ox/Nb Tunnel Junctions," Kooi, J.W., Chan, M., Phillips, T.G., Bumble, B. and LeDuc, H.G. 1991, in Second International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, NASA/Univ. of Mi 53) "Quasi-Optical Slot Antenna SIS Mixers," Zmuidzinas, J. and LeDuc, H.G. 1991, in Second International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, NASA/Univ. of Michigan/JPL Symposium Proceedings, P. 481. 54) "Infrared Emission from Isolated Dust Clouds in the Presence of Very Small Dust Grains," Lis, D.C. and Leung, Cm>m 1991, Icarus, 91, 7. 55) "CO J=1-0, 2-1 and 3-2 Absorption and Emission Toward the Nucleus of Centaurus A: Probing the Circumnuclear Disk," Israel, F.P., van Dishoeck, E.F., Baas, F., de Graauw, T. and Phillips, T.G. 1991, Astron. Astrophys. (Letters), 245, L 13. 56) "Dense Clumps in NGC 2024- Protostellar Condensations?" Schulz, A., Gusten, R., Zylka, R. and Serabyn, E. 1991, Astron. Astrophys. 245, 570. 57) "Detection of the Ground-State Transition of HDO," Schulz, A., Gsten, R., Serabyn, E. and Walmsley, C.M. 1991, Astron. Astrophys. (Letters), 246, L55. 58) "Signatures of Turbulence in the Dense Interstellar Medium," Falgarone, E. and Phillips, T.G. 1991, in the proceedings of IAU Symposium #147, Fragmentation of Molecular Clouds and Star Formation, E. Falgarone, F. Boulanger and G. Duvert, eds. (Kluw 59) "A 45 AU Radius Source Around L1551-IRS 5: A Possible Accretion Disk," Keene, J. and Masson, C.R. 1991, in the proceedings of IAU Symposium #147, Fragmentation of Molecular Clouds and Start Formation, E. Falgarone, F. Boulanger and G. Duvert, eds 60) "Dense Cloud Cores," Gsten, R., Schulz, A. and Serabyn, E. 1991, in the proceedings of IAU Symposium #147, Fragmentation of Molecular Clouds and Star Formation, E. Falgarone, F. Boulanger and G. Duvert, eds. (Kluwer), p. 430. 61) "Density and Kinematics of the W49A Cloud Core," Serabyn, E. and Gsten, R. 1991, in the proceedings of IAU Symposium #147, Fragmentation of Molecular Clouds and Star Formation, E. Falgarone, F. Boulanger and G. Duvert, eds. (Kluwer), p. 494. 62) "The Edges of Molecular Clouds: Factual Boundaries and Density Structure," Falgarone, E., Phillips, T.G. and Walker, C.K. 1991, Ap. J., 378, 186. 63) "A Gaseous Tail Ablated from the Supergiant IRS 7 Near the Galactic Center," Serabyn, E., Lacy, J.H. and Achtermann, J.M. 1991, Ap. J., 378, 557. 64) "An Acousto-Optical Spectrometer with a Visible Laser Diode Source," Serabyn, E. and Chumney, D. 1991, Int'l J. IR & MM Waves, Vol. 12, No. 12, 1493. 65) "Molecular Gas in Elliptical Galaxies," Lees, J.F., Knapp, G.R., Rupen, M.P. and Phillips, T.G. 1991, Ap. J., 379, 177. 66) "Location of the Thermal Continuum Source Sagittarius D," Lis, D.C. 1991, Ap. J. (Letters), 379, L53. 67) "Millimeter Continuum Observations of Galactic Center Giant Molecular Cloud Cores," Lis, D.C., Carlstrom, J.E. and Keene, J. 1991, Ap. J, 380, 429. 68) "Abundances in Red Giant Stars: Nitrogen Isotopes in Carbon-Rich Molecular Envelopes," Wanier, P.G., Anderson, B-G., Olofsson, H., Ukita, N. and Young K. 1991, Ap. J., 380, 593. 69) "Galactic Center Gas Dynamics: A One-armed Spiral in a Keplerian Disk," Lacy, J.H., Achtermann, J.M. and Serabyn, E. 1991, Ap. J. Letters, 380, L71. 70) "Molecular Line Survey of Sagittarus B2 (M) from 330 to 355 GHz and Comparison with Sagittarus B2(N)," Sutton, E.C., Jaminet, P.A., Danchi, W.C. and Blake, G.A. 1991, Ap. J (Suppl),77, 255. 71) "Particle Emissivity in Circumstellar Disks," Beckwith, S.V.W. and Sargent, A.I. 1991, Ap, J.,8 381, 250. 72) "Radio Telescope Surface Measurement with a Shearing Interferometer," Serabyn, E., Phillips, T.G. and Masson, C.R. 1991, in Proceedings of the URSI Workshop, Holography Testing of Large Radio Telescopes, (Nauka: St. Petersburg), p. 40. 73) "Using Gas Kinematics to Measure M/L in Elliptical Galaxies," de Zeeuw, T. 1991, in Warped Disks and Inclined Rings Around Galaxies, S. Casertano, P.D. Sackett and F.H. Briggs, eds., B (Cambridge University Press), p. 33. 74) "An Upper Limit to the Molecular Density in IC 342," Serabyn, E. and Gsten, R. 1991, in Dynamics of Galaxies and Their Molecular Cloud Distributions, F. Combes and F. Casoli, eds., (IAU Symposium 146), p. 306. 75) "A 45 AU Radius Source Around L1551-IRS 5: A Possible Accretion Disk," Masson, C.R. and Keene, J. 1991, in Structure and Emission Properties of Accretion Disks, proceedings of IAU Colloquium No. 129, C. Bertout, S. Collin-Souffrin, J.P. Lasota, 76) "Disks Associated with Intermediate Mass Starts," Strom, S.E., Keene, J., Edwards, S., Hillenbrand, L., Strom, K., Gauvin, L. and Condon, G. 1991, proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop Angular Momentum Evolution of Young Stars, S. Cat 77) "The Multiple Molecular Winds of CRL 2688," Young, K., Serabyn, E., Phillips, T.G., Knapp, G.R., Gusten, R. and Schulz, A. 1992, Ap. J., 385, 265. 78) "Strongly Shocked Interstellar Gas in IC 443. I. High-Resolution Molecular Observations, " Wang, Z. and Scoville, N.Z. 1992, Ap. J., 386, 265. 79) "High Angular Resolution Far-Infrared Observations of Sagittarius B2," Goldsmith, P.F., Lis, D.C., Lester, D.F. and Harvey, P.M. 1992, Ap. J., 389, 338. 80) "The Kinematics of the Molecular Gas in Centaurus A," Quillen, A.C., de Zeeuw, P.T., Phinney, E.S. and Phillips, T.G. 1992, Ap. J., 391, 121. 81) "Chemistry in Circumstellar Disks: CS Toward HL Tauri," Blake, G.A., van Dischoeck, E.F. and Sargent, A.I. 1992, Ap. J. (Letters), 391, L99. 82) "High-Velocity HCO+ Associated with the DR21 Molecular Outflow," Garden, R. and Carlstrom, J.E. 1992, Ap. J., 392, 602. 83) "The Compression of the M-0.02-0.07 Molecular Cloud by the Sgr A East Shell Source," Serabyn, E., Lacy, J.H. and Achtermann, J.M. 1992, Ap, J., 395, 166. 84) "Herbig Ae/Be Stars: Intermediate Mass Stars Surrounded by Massive Circumstellar Accretion Disks, "Hillenbrand, L.A., Strom, S.E., Keene, J. and Vrba, F.J. 1992, Ap. J., 397, 613. 85) "A Low Noise 230 GH Heterodyne Receiver Employing .25/m2 Area Nb/A1Ox/Nb Tunnel Junctions," Kooi, J.W., Chan, M., Phillips, T.G., Bumble, B. and LeDuc, H.G. 1992, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory & Techniques, 40 (5), 812. 86) "Slot Antenna SIS Mixers for Submillimeter Wavelengths," Zmuidzinas, Jonas, LeDuc, H.G., and Stern, J.A., 1992, in Third International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, NASA/Univ. of Michigan/JPL Symposium Proceedings, p. 234. 87) "A Fixed Tuned Broadband Matching Structure for Submillimeter SIS Receivers," Bttgenbach, Thomas H., LeDuc, Henry G., Maker, Paul D. and Phillips, T.G., 1992, in Third International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, NASA/Univ. of Michigan/J 88) "A Low-Noise 492 GH SIS Waveguide Receiver," Walker, C.K., Kooi, J. W., Chan, M., LeDuc, H.G., Schaffer, P.L., Carlstrom, J.E. and Phillips, T.G. 1992, in Third International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology", NASA/Univ. of Michigan/JPL Sym 89) "Noise in Josephson Effect Mixers and the RSJ Model," Schoelkopf, R., Phillips, T. and Zmuidzinas, J. 1992, in Third International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, NASA/Univ. of Michigan/JPL Symposium Proceedings, p. 419. 90) "Submillimeter Observations of Vibrationally Excited NH3 Towards Orion-KL," Schilke, P., Gsten, R., Schulz, A., Serabyn, E. and Walmsley, C.M. 1992, Aston. Astrophys. (Letters), 261, L5. 91) "Ground-Based Searches for Interstellar H2D+, van Dishoeck, E.F., Phillips, T.G., Keene, J. and Blake, G.A., 1992, Astron. Astrophys. (Letters), 261, L13. 92) "Submillimeter Detection of Extragalactic CI Emission: IC 342, "Bttgenbach, T.H., Keene, J., Phillips, T.G. and Walker, C.K. 1992, Ap. J. (Letters), 397, L15. 93) "A Low-Noise 492 GHz SIS Waveguide Receiver," Walker, C.K., Kooi, J. W., Chan, M., LeDuc, H.G., Schaffer, P.L., Carlstrom, J.E. and Phillips, T.G. 1992, Int'l J. IR & MM Waves, 13 (6), 785. 94) "Quasi-Optical Slot Antenna SIS Mixers," Zmuidzinas, J. and LeDuc, H.G. 1992, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 40 (9), 1797. 95) "A Fixed Tuned Broadbank Matching Structure for Submillimeter SIS Receivers," Bttgenbach, T.H., LeDuc, H.G., Maker, P.D. and Phillips, T.G. 1992, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2 (3), 165. 96) "A 500 GHz Quasi-Optical Slot Antenna SIS Mixer," Zmuidzinas, J. and LeDuc, H.G. 1992, in Superconducting Devices and Their Applications, H. Koch and H. Lubbig, eds., (Springer-Verlag), p. 395. 97) "Interstellar H3O+ and its Relation to the 02 and H2O Abundances," Phillips, T.G., van Dischoeck, E.F. and Keene, J.B. 1992, Ap. J., 399, 533. 98) "Submillimeter Astronomy," Phillips, T.G. and Keene, J. 1992, Proceedings of the IEEE, 80 (11), 1662. 99) "!.25 mm Observations of Luminous Infrared Galaxies," Carico, D.P., Keene, J., Soifer, B.T. and Neugebauer, G. 1992, P.A.S.P., 104, 1086. 100) "The Physical and Chemical Structure of Warm, Dense Regions" IC 63 and IC 443," Jansen, D.J., van Dischoek, E.F., Black, J.H. and Phillips, T.G. 1992, in The Astrochemistry of Cosmic Phenomena, IAU Symposium 150, P.D. Singh, ed., (Kluwer, Dordrech 101) "Interstellar H3O+, Phillips, T.G., van Dischoek, E.F. and Keene, J.B. 1992, in The Astrochemistry of Cosmic Phenomena, IAU Symposium 150, P.D. Signh, ed., (Kluwer, Dordrecht), 191. 102) "Millimeter-Wavelength Aperture Synthesis Observations of Massive Star-Forming Regions in Sagittarius B2," Lis, D.C., Goldsmith, P.F., Carlstrom, J.E. and Scoville, N.Z. 1993, Ap. J., 402 238. 103) "First Measurements of Extragalactic CO(4-3)," Gusten, R., Serabyn, E., Kasemann, C., Schinckel, A., Schneider, G.,, Schulz, A. and Young, K. 1993, Ap. J..,402, 537. 104) "The IRAS 16293-2422 Cloud Core: A Study of a Young Binary System," Walker, C.K., Carlstrom, J.E. and Bieging, J. 1993, Ap. J., 402, 655. 105) "The Morphology of a Bright Rim in NGC 2264: Early Stages of High Mass Star Formation," Tauber, J.A., Lis, D.C. and Goldsmith, P.R., 1993, Ap. J., 403, 202. 106) "Submillimeter Observations of the 11 July 1991 Total Solar Eclipse," Ewell, Jr., M.W., Zirin, H., Jensen, J.B., and Bastian, T.S., 1993, Ap. J., 403, 426. 107) "PIG (Partially Ionized Globule" Anatomy: Density and Temperature Structure of the Bright-Rimmed Globule IC1396E," Serabyn, E., Gsten, R. and Mundy, L. 1993, Ap. J., 404, 247. 108) "The Spectrum and Variability of Radio Emission from AW Aquarii", Abada-Simon, M., Lecacheux, A., Bastian, T.S., Bookbinder, J.A. and Dulk, G.A., 1993, Ap. J., 406, 692. 109) "Circumstellar Shells Resolved in IRAS Survey Data. I. Data Processing Procedure, Results and Confidence Tests," Young K., Phillips, T.G. and Knapp, G.R. 1993, Ap. J. (Suppl.), 86, 517. 110) "Circumstellar Sheels Resolved in ITAS Survey Data. II. Analysis," Young, K., Phillips, T.G. and Knapp, G.R. 1993, Ap. J., 409, 725. 111) "First Detection of CS (10-9) in Galactic Star Forming Cores," Hauschildt, H., Gsten, R., Phillips, T.G. Schilke, P., Serabyn, E. and Walker, C.K. 1993, Astron. Astrophys., (Letter), , 273, L23. 112) "The Warped Disk of Centaurus A in the Near Infrared," Quillen, A.C., Graham, J.R. and Frogel, J.A., 1993, Ap. J., 412, 550. 113) "Fragmentation and Kinematics of the W49N Cloud Core, " Serabyn, E., Gsten, R. and Schulz, A., 1993, Ap. J., 413, 571. 114) The Detection of [CI} in Molecular Outflows Associated with Young Stellar Objects," Walker, C.K., Narayanan, G., Bttgenbach, T.H., Carlstrom, J.E., Keene, J. and Phillips, T.G. 1993, Ap. J., 415, 672. 115) "Atomic Carbon in the Envelope of IRC+10216", Keene, J., Young, K., Phillips, T.G., Bttgenbach, T.H. and Carlstrom, J., 1993, Ap. J. (letters), 415, L131. 116) "Discovery of Interstellar Water Lines at 437, 439, and 371 GHz - Strong Case for Water maser Formation Behind C-Type Shocks", Melnick, G.J., Menten, K.M., Phillips, T.G. and Hunter T. 1993, Ap. J., 416, 37. 117) "Detection of the Interstellar NH2 Radical", van Dishoeck, E., Jansen, D.J., and Schilke, P. and Phillips, T.G., 1993, Ap. J. Letters, 416, L83. 118) "Atomic Carbon in M82", Schilke, P., Carlstrom, J.E., Keene, J. and Phillips, T.G., 1993, Ap. J. (letters), 417, L67. 119) "Using Optical Fibers for Linked Submillimeter Interferometry," Carlstrom, J.E., Hills, R.E., Lay, O.P. and Phillips, T.G. 1993, USNC/URSI, National Academy of Sciences. NOT A PAPER 120) "The CSO-JCMT Submillimeter Interferometer," Carlstrom, J.E., Phillips, T.G., Hills, R.E., Lay, OO.P., Force, B., Hall C.G., and Schinckel, A.E., 1994, in Astronomy with Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Interferometry, A.S.P. Conf. Ser., (ed. by M 121) "A 100 GHz Josephson Mixer Using Resistively-Shunted Nb Tunnel Junction," Schoelkopf, R.J., Phillips, T.G., and Zmuidzinas, J. 1993, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, in press. 122) "Dust Emission in the Galactic Center," Lis, D.C. and Carlstrom, J.E. 1993, in Back to the Galaxy, F. Verler, ed., (AIP Press), in press. 123) "An Improved Solution for Integrated Array Optics in quais-Optical MM and Submm Receivers: the Hybrid Antenna," Bttgenbach, T.H. 1993, IEEE Micro. Theory and Tech., 41, 10. 124) "Millimeter and Submillimeter Receivers", Phillips, T.G. 1994, Astronomy with Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Interferometry, A.S.P. conf. Ser., (ed. by M. Ishiguro and Wm. J. Welch), 59. 125) "Remote Observing with the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory", Lis, D.C. and Young, K. 1993, in Proceedings of the NRAO Remote Observing Workshop, (World Scientific), in press. 126) "Submillimeter HCN and HCO+ Emission from Galaxies," Jackson, J.M., Paglione, T.A., Carlstrom, J.E., and Nguyen, Q-R. 1993, Ap. J. (Letters). 127) "Circum-Protostellar Environment I. Molecular Outflows from Protostar Candidates in Taurus," Moriarty- Schieven, G.H., Wannier, P.G., Tamura, M. and Keene, J.B., 1992, Ap. J., 400, 260. 128) "AFGL 5376: A Strong, Large-scale Shock Near the Galactic Center" Uchida, K., Morris, M., Serabyn, E. and Bally, J. 1993, Ap. J., 421, 505. 129) "Submillimeter Observations of the Shocked Molecular Gas Associated with the Supernova Remnant IC 443," van Dishoeck, E.F., Jansen, D.J. and Phillips, T.G. 1993, Astron. Astrophys., 279, 541. 130) "Strong Shocked Gas in IC443: II. High Resolution Observations of the Shock Front," Wang, Z., Scoville, N.Z. and Kenney, J. 1993, to be published. 131) "CS Survey of Young Stellar Objects," Mundy, L.G., Masson, C.R., Keene, J. and Blake, G.A. 1993, DOES NOT EXIST, See Preprint #33. 132) "Chemical Differentiation in Sagittarius B2," Suton, E. C., Danchi, W.C., Jaminet, P.A., Masson, C.R. and Blake, G.A. 1993, in preparation. 133) "CO J = 2-1 Observations in the Nucleus of M33," Wilson, C. and Scoville, N.Z. 1993, in preparation. 134) "A Search for Molecular Gas in the Cores of Cooling Flow Clusters of Galaxies," Wang, Z., Scoville, N.Z. and Kenney, J. 1993, in preparation. 135) "High Resolution Distribution of CO(3-2) Emission in the Envelope of IRC=10216," Knapp, G.R., Reilly, D., Young, K., and Gammie, C.F. 1993. NEVER WRITTEN 136) "Observations of Comet Swift-Tuttle at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory", Schloerb, R.P., Lis, D.C., Schilke, P., Sanders, D., Deane, J. and Ziurys, L.M. 1993. NEVER WRITTEN 137) "Submillimeter Continuum Survey of the Galactic Center", Lis, D.C. and Carlstrom, J.E. 1994, Ap. J., 424, 189. 138) "Morphology of the Sagittarius C Molecular Cloud", Lis, D.C., Goldsmith, P.R., Carlstrom, J.E. and Bergin, E.A. 1993, in preparation. 139) "Column Densities and Distributions of Molecules and Dust in Three Giant Molecular Clouds", Goldsmith, P.F., Bergin, E.A. and Lis, D.C. 1993, in preparation. 140) (SEE #192) "Distribution of Neutral Carbon in the Orion Bar", Tauber, J.A., Lis, D.C., Keene, J. and Buttgenbach, T.H. 1993, in preparation. 141) "The Recombination Line Maser at Submillimeter Wavelengths", Thum, C., Matthews, H.E., Martin- Pintado, J., Serabyn, E. and Bachiller, R. 1993. NOT A CSO PREPRINT, REFER TO IRAM PREPRINT. 142) "Detection of the Ground Rotational Transition of PH3 on Saturn", Weisstein, E. and Serabyn, E. 1993, in preparation. 143) "A CO(3-2) Survey of Nearby Mira Variables", Young, K. 1993, in preparation. 144) "Neutral and Ionized Atomic Carbon in the Envelope of NGC 7027", Young, K. and Keene, J., 1993, in preparation. 145) "The Center-To-Limb Brightness Variation of the sun at =850m", Bastian, T.S., Ewell, M.W. and Zirin, H., 1993, Ap. J. 415, 364. 146) "A Study of Solar Prominences Near - 1 mm", Bastian, T.S., Ewell, M.W. and Zirin, H., 1993, Ap. J., 418, 510. 147) "The Kinematics of the Molecular Gas in M82", Quillen, A.C., Walker, C.E. and Phillips, T.G., 1993, Ap. J., submitted. 148) "Confirmation of Interstellar A1F: Metal Fluoride Molecules in IRC=10216", Ziurys, L.M., Apponi, A.J. and Phillips, T.G., 1993, Ap. J. Letters, submitted. 149) "The Distribution and Kinematics of Atomic Carbon Near the Galactic Center", Serabyn, E., Keene, J., Lis, D.C. and Phillips, T.G. 1994, Ap. J. (Letters), 424, L95-98. 150) "Water Masers Embedded in Ultracompact HII Regions: The W75N Cloud Core", Hunter, T., Taylor, G.B., Felli, M. and Tofani, G., 1994, Astron. Astrophys., 284, 215. 151) "Two-Junction Tuning Circuits for Submillimeter SIS Mixers", Zmuidzinas, J., LeDuc, H.G, Stern, J.A. and Cypher, S.R., 1994, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 42, 698. 152) "Physical and Chemical Variations Within the W3 Star-Forming Regions I. SO2, CH3 OH and H2CO", Helmich, F.P., Jansen, D.J., de Graauw, Th., Groesbeck, T.D. and van Dishoeck, E.F., 1994, Astron. Astrophys., 283, 626. 153) "A Low Noise 665 GHz SIS Quasi-Particle Waveguide Receiver", Kooi, J.W., Walker, C.K., LeDuc, H.G., Schaffer, P.L., Hunter, T.R., Benford, D.J. and Phillips, T.G., 1993, Int'l J. IR & MM Waves, 15(3), 477. 154) "CI Emission from the IC 443 Supernova Remnant", Phillips, T.G., Keene, J. and van Dishoeck, E.F., September 21-24, 1993, Presented at the Second Cologne-Zermatt Symposium, to be published. 155) "IF Fiber Optics and Digital Correlating Spectrometer on the JCMT-CSO Interferometer," Lay, O.P., Hills, R.E. and Carlstrom, J.E. 1994, in Astronomy with Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Interferometry, A.S.P. Conf. Ser., (ed. by M. Ishiguro and 156) "The Chemical Evolution of Protostellar and Protoplanetary Matter," van Dishoeck, E.F., Blake, G.A., Draine, B.T. and Lunine, J.I. 1993, in Protostars and Planets III, E.H. Levy, J.I. Lunine and M.S. Matthews, eds., (University of Arizona Press, 157) "Morphology of the Dust Emission and High-Mass Star Formation in the Galactic Center," Lis, D.C. and Carlstrom, J.E. 1993, in Sky Surveys: Protostars to Protogalaxies,B.T. Soifer, ed., Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, in pre 158) "Start Formation in the Galactic Center Dust Ridge", Lis, D.C., Menten, K.M., Serabyn, E., and Zylka, R. 1994, Ap. J. (Letters), 423, L39. 159) The Source of the Relativistic Particles in the Galactic Center Arc," Serabyn, E. and Morris, M. 1994, Ap. J. (Letters), 423, L39. 160) "Thz Source Requirements for Astrophysics Receivers," Phillips, T.G., 1994 Proceedings of SPIE, Optics, Electro-Optics & Laser Applications in Science & Engineering, submitted. 161) "FTS Atmospheric Transmission Measurements and Observations of Planetary Atmospheres," Serabyn, E., Weisstein, E.W. and Lis, D.C., September 21-24, 1993, Presented at the Second Cologne-Zermatt Symposium, to be published. 162) "The W49A Molecular Cloud Core," Serabyn, E., September 21-24, 1993, Presented at the Second Cologne-Zermatt Symposium, to be published. 163) "Molecular Abundances and Low Mass Star Formation I. Si- and S-Bearing Species Towards IRAS 16293-2422," Blake, G.A., van Dishoeck, E.F., Jansen, D.J., Grosbeck, T.D. and Mundy, L.G., 1994, Ap. J., 428, 680. 164) "The Molecular Emission Line Spectrum of IRC + 10216 Between 330 and 358 GHZ," Groesbeck, T.D., Phillips, T.G. and Blake, G.A., 1994 Ap. J. Supplement, 94, 147. 165) "Observations of Large-Scale [CI] Emission from S140," Plume, R., Jaffe, D.T. and Keene, J., 1994, Ap. J. (Letters), submitted. 166) "180-425 GHz Low Noise SIS Waveguide Receivers Employing Tuned Nb/A10x/Nb Tunnel Junctions," Kooi, J.W., Chan, M., Bumble, B., LeDuc, H.G., Schaffer, P.L. and Phillips, T.G., 1994, Int'l J. IR & MM Waves, 15(5), 783. 167) "Measurement of the sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Toward Abell 2163 at a Wavelength of 2.2 Millimeters," Wilbanks, T.M., Ade, P.A.R., Fischer, M.L., Holzapfel, W.L. and Lange, A.E., 1994, Ap. J. (Letters), 427, L75. 168) (SEE #154) "Atomic Carbon Emission from Shocked and Preshocked Gas in the IC 443 Supernova Remnant," Phillips, T.G., Keene, J., and van Dishoeck, E.F., September 21-24, 1993, Presented at the Second Cologne-Zermatt Symposium. 169) "Prospects for Submillimeter Observations," Phillips, T.G., September 21-24, 1993, Presented at the Second Cologne-Zermatt Symposium. 170) The Circumstellar Environment of the FU Orionis Pre-Outburst Candidate V1331 Cygni," McMuldroch, S., Sargent, A.I. and Blake, G.A., 1993, A.J., 106, 6. 171) "Submillimeter Bolometer Array for the CSO," Wang, N., Hunter, T., Benford, D. and Phillips, T.G. September 21-24, 1993, Presented at the Second Cologne-Zermatt Symposium, to be published. 172) "A Monolithic Si Bolometer Array for the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory," Wang, N., Hunter, T.R., Benford, D.J., Serabyn, E. and Phillips, T.G., March 13-14, 1994, SPIE's Symposium on Astronomical Telescope & Instrumentation for the 21st Centur 173) "Detection of Radio Continuum Emission from Circumstellar Dust Around CRL 2688 and IRC+10216," Knapp, G.R., Bowers, P.F., Young, K. and Phillips, T.G., 1994, Ap. J. (Letters), 429, L33. 174) "Detection of the 267 GHz J = 1-0 Rotational Transition of PH3 in Saturn with a New Fourier Transform Spectrometer," Weisstein, E.W. and Serabyn, E., 1994, Icarus, submitted. 175) "Observations of 3P1 to 3P0 CI Emission from Molecular Clouds and Envelopes of Evolved Stars," Keene, J., September 21-24, 1993, Presented at the Second Cologne-Zermatt Symposium, to be published. 176) "Wide-Field Imaging Optics for Submm Arrays", Serabyn, E., to appear in the proceedings of the NRAO Workshop on "Multi-Feed Systems for Radio Telescopes," held in Tucson, AZ, May 16-18, 1994. 177) "Synthesized Spectra of Turbulent Clouds," Falgarone, E., Lis, D.C., Phillips, T.G., Pouquet, A., Porter, D.H. and Woodward, P.R., 1994, Ap. J., to be published. 178) "The Active Source in the Region of the Herbig Star BD+40o4124," Palla, F., Testi, L., Hunter, R>R., Taylor, G.B., Prusti, T., Felli, M., Natta, A. and Stanga, R.M., 1994 Astron. Astrophy., to be published. 179) "A Medium Resolution Ground-Based Submillimeter Spectrometer," Maffei, B., Pajot, F., Phillips, T.G., Benford, D., and Caux, E., 1994, Infr. Phys. T., 35(2-3), 321. 180) "The Starburst Properties of M82, M83 and IC342," Walker, C.E., Bash, F.N., and Martin, R.N., 1993, Rev. Mex. Ast., 27 (NSI), 203. 181) "Measurements of Noise in Josephson-Effect Mixers," Schoelkopf, R.J., Zmuidzinas, J. and Phillips, T.G., 1994, Proceedings of the "Fifth International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, IEEE Transactions of Microwave Theory and Techniques, 182) "Physical and Chemical Structure of the IC 63 Nebula I. Millimeter and Far-Infrared Observations," Jansen, D.J., van Dischoeck, E.F. and Black, J.H., 1994, Astron. Astrophy., 282, 605. 183) "Design, Construction and Performance of the Leighton 10.4 Meter Diameter Radio Telescopes," Woody, D., Vail, D. and Schaal, W., (OVRO), 1994, Proceedings of the IEEE on the Design and Instrumentation of Antennas for Deep Space Telecommunications 184) "Submillimeter HCN and HCO+ Emission from Galaxies," Jackson, J.M., Paglione, T.A. D., Carlstrom, J.E. and Rieu, N.Q., 1994. 185) "Structure and Chemistry in the Northwestern Condensation of the Serpens Molecular Cloud Core," McMullin, J.P., Mundy, L.G., Wilking, B.A., Hezel, T. and Blake, G.A., 1994, Ap. J., 424, 222. 186) "Protostellar Accretion Disks Resolved with the JCMT-CSO Interferometer," Lay, O.P., Carlstrom, J.E., Hills, R.E. and Phillips, T.G., 1994, Ap. J. (Letters), 434, L75. 187) "Developments in Submillimeterwave Astronomy," Phillips, T.G., October 17-21, 1994, Sendai, Japan, The 19th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves. 188) "Hydrogen Chloride in OMC-1," Schilke, P., Phillips, T.G., and Wang, N., 1994, Ap. J., 441, 334.. 189) "An Arcminute Resolution Search at 4.7 cm-1 for Point Sources in MSAM and MAX Fields," Church, S.E., Mauskopf, P.D., Ade, P.A.R., Devlin, M.J., Holzapfel, W.L., Wilbanks, T.M. and Lange, A.E., 1995, Ap. J. (Letters), 440, L33.. 190) "Radio Frequency Continuum Emission From Evolved Stars," Knapp, G.R., Bowers, P.R., Young, K. and Phillips, T.G., 1994 , Ap. J., submitted. 191) "Turbulence in Molecular Clouds," Dubinski, J., Narayan, R. and Phillips, T.G., 1994, in preparation. 192) "Atomic Carbon and CO Isotope Emission in the Vicinity of the Orion Bar," Tauber, J.A., Lis, D.C., Keene, J., Schilke, P., and Bttgenbach, T.H., 1994, Astron. Astrophys., accepted. 193) "The Caltech Airborne Submillimeter SIS Receiver," Zmuidzinas, J., Carlstrom, J.E., Miller, D. and Ugras, N.G., 1994, Proceedings of the Airborne Astronomy Symposium on the Galactic Ecosystem: From Gas to Stars to Dust", ed. M.R. Haas, J.A. David 194) "Submillimeter Spectroscopy of Interstellar Hydrides," Zmuidzinas, J., Blake, G.A., Carlstrom, J.E., Keene, J., Miller, D., Schilke, P. and Ugras, N.G., 1994, Proceedings of the Airborne Astronomy Symposium on the Galactic Ecosystem: From Gas to 195) "A Molecular Line Study of NGC1333/IRAS 4," Blake, G.A., Sandell, G., van Dishoeck, E.F., Groesbeck, T.D., Mundy, L.G. and Aspin, C., 1994, Ap. J., 441, 689. 196) "Atomic Carbon in a Dark Cloud: TMC-1" (1995-1), Schilke, P., Keene, J., Le Bourlot, J., Pineau des Forets, G. and Roueff, E., 1995, Ap. J., 294, L17. "1995-2 see #143 "A CO (3-2) Survey of Nearby Mira Variables", (1995-2), Young, K. 1995, Ap. J., in press. 197) "The Development of an 850 GHz Waveguide Receiver Using Tuned SIS Junctions on 1m Si3N4 Membranes," (1995-3), Kooi, J.W., Chan, M.S., Bin, M., Bumble, B., LeDuc, H.G., Walker, C.K. and Phillips, T.G., 1995, Int'l Journal of IR and MM Waves, 16, 3 198) "Continued Developments of a Low Noise 665 GHz SIS Waveguide Receiver," Kooi, J.W., Chan, M.S., Bin, M., LeDuc, H.G. and Phillips, T.G., 1995, Proceedings of the European Workshop on Low-Noise Quasi-Optics, held at the Max Planck Institute fur Ra 199) "The Nature of the Galactic Center ARC," Serabyn, E., 1995, in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 169, "Unsolved Problems of the Milky Way". 200) "The FU Orions Binary System RNO 1B/1C," (1995-4), McMuldroch, S., Blake, G.A. and Sargent, A.I., 1995, A.J., submitted. 201) "A Multiwavelength Picture of the AFGL 5142 Star-Forming Region," (1995-5), Hunter, T.R., Testi, L, Taylor, G.B., Tofani, G., Felli, M. and Phillips, T.G., 1995, Astron. & Astrophys., in press. 202) "Fourier Transform Spectroscopy of the Orion Molecular Cloud Core," (1995-6), Serabyn, E. and Weisstein, E.W., 1995, Ap. J, in submitted. 203) "IRAS 21391+5802: A Study in Intermediate Mass Star Formation," Wilking, B.A., Mundy, L.G., McMullin, J., Hezel, T. and Keene, J., 1993, A.J., 250. 204) "The Circumstellar Environment of IRAS 05338-0624," McMullin, J.P., Mundy, L.G. and Blake, G.A., 1994, Ap. J., 437, 305. 205) "HCI Absorption Toward Sagittarius B2," Zmuidzinas, J., Blake, G.A., Carlstrom, J., Keene, J. and Miller, D., 1995, Ap. J. (Letters), submitted. 206) "Evidence for Dust Around Post T Tauri Stars," Ray, T.P., Sargent, A.I., Beckwith, S.V.W., Koresko, C. and Kelly, P., 1995, Ap.J. (Letters), 440, L89. 207) "Maps of the Molecular Emission Around 18 Evolved Stars," Stanek, K.Z., Knapp, G.R., Young, K. and Phillips, T.G., 1995, Ap. J. (Supplement), submitted. 208) "Molecular Abundances and Low Mass Star Formation II. Organic and Deuterated Species Toward IRAS 16293-2422," van Dishoeck, E.F., Blake, G.A., Jansen, D.J. and Groesbeck, T.D., 1995, Ap.J., submitted. 209) "Star Formation in Galactic Center GMC Cores: Sagittarius B2 and the Dust Ridge," Lis, D.C. and Menten, K.M., 1995, Airborne Astronomy Symposium on the Galactic Ecosystem, ASP Conf. Ser., 73. 210) A Candidate Energy Source for the Galactic Center Nonthermal Filament G359.1-0.2, "The Snake", Uchida, K. I., Morris, M., Serabyn, E. and Gsten, R., 1995, Ap. J., submitted. 211) "Astronomical, Atmospheric, and Wavefront Studies with a Submillimeter Wavelength Interferometer," (1995-7), Serabyn, E., 1995, to appear in the Festschrift commemorating the 80th birthday of C.H. Townes, AIP 1995, ed. R.Y. Chiao. 212) "Submillimeter Wavelength Fourier Transform Spectroscopy of Astronomical Sources," Serabyn, E. and Weisstein, E.W., 1995, to appear in the Proceedings IAU Symposium # 170, CO: Twenty-five years of Millimeter Wave Spectroscopy. 213) "Minimizing the Effect of Gravitational Distortions on Large Reflector Antennas," Woody, D., 1995. 214) "Measurement of the Hubble Constant from x-ray and 2.1mm Observations of Abel 2163," Holzapfel, W.L., Arnaud, M., Ade, P.A.R., Church, S.E., Fischer, M.L., Mauskopf, P.D., Rephaeli, Y., Wilbanks, T.M. and Lange, A.E., 1995, in preparation. 215) "A Measurement of Anisotropy in the Cosmic Background Radiation at Arcminute Scales," Church, S.E., Ganga, K.M., Ade, P.A.R., Holzapfel, W.L., Mauskopf, P.D., Wilbanks, T.M. and Lange, A.E., 1994, in preparation. 216) "Vibrationally Excited CS: A New Probe of Conditions in Protostellar Systems," Walker, C.K., Maloney, P. and Serabyn, E., 1994, Ap. J. (Letters), 437, L127. 217) "Multitransition Submillimeter CO Observations of Ultraluminous IRAS Galaxies," Benford, D.J., Yun, M. S., Hunter, T.R., Bryant, P.M. and Phillips, T.G., 1995, IAU #170 (CO Symposium), submitted. 218) (1995-8) "Discovery of Strong Vibrationally Excited Water Masers at 658 GHz Toward Evolved Stars," Menten, K.M. and Young, K., Ap. J. (Letters), 450, L67. 219) "Pre-Shock and Post-Shock Abundance Ratios of Atomic Carbons to CO in IC 443 G." Keene, J., Phillips, T.G. and van Dishoeck, E., 1995, in preparation. 220) (1995-9) "NGC 1333 IRAS 4: Further Multiplicity Revealed with the CSO-JCMT Interferometer," Lay, O.P., Carlstrom, J.E., and Hills, R.E., Ap. J (Letters), 452, L73. 221) "Resolving Circumstellar Disks with the CSO-JCMT Interferometer," Carlstrom, J.E., Lay, O.P., Hills, R.E, and Phillips, T.G., 1995, RevMexAA (Serie de Conferences), 1, 355. 222) "Calibrated Measurements of Astronomical Spectra with a Submillimeter Wavelength Fourier Transform Spectrometer," Serabyn, E. and Weisstein, E.W., 1995, Applied Optics, Special Issue on FTSes, submitted. xxa (1995-10) "230 and 492 GHz Low Noise SIS Waveguide Receivers Employing Tuned nb/AlOx/Nb Tunnel Junctions," Kooi, J.W., Chan, M., Bumble, B., LeDuc, H.G., Schaffer, P., and Phillips, T.G., 1995. xxb "Millimeter and Submillimeter Techniques", Carlstrom, J., and Zmuidzinas, J. xxc "Low-Noise 1 Terahertz Niobium Superconducting Tunnel Junction Mixer With A Normal Metal Tuning Circuit," Bin, M., Gaidis, M.C., Zmuidzinas J., Phillips, T.G., and LeDuc, H.G. xxd (1996-4) " Small-Scale Density and Velocity Structure of a Molecular Cloud Edge," Falgarone E., Phillips, T.G. xxe (1996-3) "Submillimeter Line Search in Jupiter and Saturn," Weisstein, E., and Serabyn, G. xxf (1996-1) "Characterization of a Submillimeter High Angular Resolution Camera Using a Monolithic Silicon Bolometer Array for the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory", Wang, N., Hunter, T. R., Benford, D.J., Serabyn, E., Lis, D.C., Phillips, T.G., Mos xxg (1995-11) "Statistical Properties of Line centroid Velocities and Centroid Velocity Increments in Compressible Turbulence", Lis., D.C., Pety, J., Phillips, T.G., and Falgarone, E. xxh (1995-12) "Calibration of Planetary Brightness Temperature Spectra at Near and Sub-millimeter Wavelengths with a Fourier Transform Spectrometer," Serabyn, E., and Weisstein, E.W. xxi (1996-5) "A Line Survey of Orion-KL from 325 to 360 GHz," Schilke, P., Groesbeck, T.D., Blake, G.A., and Phillips, T.G. xxj (1996-6) "Optical Design of the Submillimeter High Angular Resolution Camera (SHARC)," Hunter, T.R., Benford, D.J., Serabyn, E. xxk (1996-7) "Spectroscopic Evidence for Interstellar Ice in Comet Hyakutake," Irvine, W.M., Bockelee- Morvan, D., Lis, D.C., Matthews, H.E., Biver, N., Crovisier, J., Davies, J.K., Dent, W.R.F., Gautier, D., Godfrey, P.D., Keene, J., Lovell, A.J., Owen, xxl (1996-8) "Active Star Formation Toward the Ultracompact HII Regions G45.12+o.13 and G45.07+0.13," Hunter, T.R., Phillips, T.G., and Menten, K.M. xxm (1996-9) "Photon Dominated Regions: Observations of [CI] and CO," Keene, J., Lis, D.C., Phillips, T.G., and Schilke, P.