The dome shadow program - Implementation


The dome shadow program is a utility program to calculate whether the sun shines on any part of the dish/telescope structure at the current telescope position at the present time, whether the sun would shine on the dish if you slewed the telescope to a certain new position to be input by the user, or whether the sun would shine on the dish if you slewed to an observer specified position at an observer specified time.

It facilitates carrying out daytime observing without getting the sun on any part of the telescope (usually the back of the secondary mirror assembly). However, there is no control of either the dome shutters or the antenna. The only communication with the antenna computer is in reading the time and telescope position out of it.

The shadow program can of course also be used to determine how far the shutters can be opened at any particular azimuth/zenith angle the telescope is pointed during the day. Using the AZ coordinate system it allows to determine whether the sun would shine on the telescope if you open the dome to a certain percentage. It can be assumed that the numbers output here are conservative. Both in real life and in the program the shutter opening percentages are dependent on not only the position of the Sun but also (which is not obvious to most people) quite critically on the zenith angle position of the telescope.

This document is intended for users who want to know ``how it actually works'' and for the programmer who has to maintain it.


The dome shadow program will not work when the antenna computer is not running.

It will throw you out when the sun sets (or when it thinks the sun sets).

To ensure some level of accuracy it is necessary that the time in the VAX is fairly accurate (close to the time in the antenna computer).

It is known that the percentage dome open is on the conservative side (but it is also known that the percentages read out by the gauge are not always all too meaningful - this is why the opening angle is also given in the output: negative angles are to the back side of vertical, positive angles are to the front).

Also, it has not been implemented to check whether the dome could be open further than is necessary for the telescope to be fully illuminated by the source to be observed. The percentage dome open is determined from the source position only.


The dome shadow program is written in FORTRAN. It uses some ephemeris routines from Perry McGehee that are written in C and some routines to communicate with the antenna computer from the UIP that are of course in PASCAL. The subroutine object code is kept in an object library (including the ephemeris routines, but not the main program). The DCL command procedure SHADOW_LINK.COM is provided for relinking with other necessary object libraries (like the UIP.OLB) as well. (I hate having to figure out how to relink somebody else's programs and I don't blame anybody else who does too ...).

The dome shadow program itself consists of a main program that is fairly messy (but there are reasons for that), and subroutines

There is a bug in EPHEM.C with the following effect: to get the right LST one has to add 2 to the modified Julian date, but one has to add 1 to get the right line out of the ephemeris. Another bug in EPHEM.C dealing with -0 degrees (in declination) was fixed in 1992.

The projected zenith angle

The first implementation of SHADOW dealt with the problem of having a rectangular opening (with dimensions in linear units) in polar coordinates in a somewhat cryptic way that can still be found in the now obsolete SHADOW_CHECK_POS and SHADOW_DOMEZA routines (which I have left for this reason).

Thinking through the geometry of the problem some more lead to the introduction of the projected zenith angle (of the Sun). It seems like the concept of the 'projected zenith angle' is a much simpler way of dealing with this problem - in spite of the fact that it in itself is somewhat hard to explain.

The 'projected zenith angle' is defined as the component of the Sun's zenith angle that is parallel with the telescope's line of sight (at this point in time), i.e. if telescope and Sun are opposite directions, it is the negative zenith angle, at right angles it is zero and if the telescope points closer towards the Sun than 90 degrees it is above zero, getting to the full value if both are at the same azimuth.

Using the projected zenith angle of the Sun allows calculating the (projected) zenith angle difference between the telescope and the Sun (or angular distance of the Sun from the telescope axis) by a simple subtraction.

Cartesian components of the 'position' of the Sun and the telescope structure component in question are then calculated, followed by the intercepts of the line connecting them and the shutter rail's circle. Depending on whether the Sun is on the front or the back side of the dome, the front or back intercept is used for the rest of the calculation, of which the only part left now is to determine which part of the telescope structure the Sun would shine on first, a simple minimum taking of the 4 positions calculated.

Main program

The main program, SHADOW, is mainly a large subroutine calling IF-THEN-ELSE block. Most of the functionality, including user input and screen output has been put in the subroutines.

Things that one might implement some day

Coordinates have to be typed in, they cannot be input from source catalogs.

Coordinate systems are limited to altaz and RA/DEC.

Not all input is trapped for input errors.

The program will not warn the user if the antenna computer doesn't provide ``reasonable'' output, e.g. if it isn't running.

There is no control of the dome shutters or of the telescope to prevent the observer from pointing close to or into the sun.

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Maren Purves, Caltech Submm Observatory /

Nov. 1, 1996