CSOLOGO1 CSOLOGO2SHARCII imaged massive quiescent cores in Orion  at 350 micron

 The conditions of dense molecular gas in the presence of massive cluster could shed lights into important questions regarding star formation, such as the initial conditions of massive star formation and the how the stellar mass is determined in the process. Using SHARC II camera, we have obtained images of 51 so called "cores", precursors of new stars, in the Orion molecular cloud. These Orion cores comprise one of the rare sample of spatially resolved massive cores, which allow us to look into the conditions of the making of likely massive stars. The majority of the Orion cores are probably supercritical, i.e., on the verge of collapse and the onset of star formation. The distribution of core mass differs from that of the stars.  The environment surrounding dense cores probably plays a role in determining the mass of future stars.  This result was published in Li et al. 2006.

Figure 1. Left Panel: The observed SHARC II 350 micron image of the ORI2 region with the flux given in Jy/beam.
Right Panel: The resolution-enhance image of the same region. The yellow squares denote the location of dense cores.