CSOLOGO1 CSOLOGO2Exploring the Star Formation History of the Universe with ZEUS on the CSO

  The first stars of the Milky Way galaxy formed more than 13 billion years ago – within a billion years of the Big Bang itself.  These stars formed within giant, but very tenuous molecular clouds that predominantly consist of molecular hydrogen and atomic helium, but also contained a minute trace of heavier elements such as carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen.  Though rare, these heavy elements are the key to enabling the formation of lower mass stars such as the Sun.  As the cloud collapses under its own self-gravity, it will heat up as gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy of the constituent particles.  Heat causes thermal pressure which fights collapse, and indeed the collapse will stall if the cloud can not cool.  Fortunately, the trace elements provide the cooling power to further the collapse.  Collisions within the gas excite the low-lying rotational energy levels of molecules like CO and H2O and the fine-structure energy levels of atoms and ions such as C, C+, and O.  These levels emit line radiation which enables the cloud to cool, to collapse, and ultimately to form stars.

  The universe is expanding, and this expansion causes light to be shifted to longer wavelengths (redshifted) as it travels from galaxies in the early universe to our telescopes on Earth.  The effect of the redshift is that light emitted at a wavelength, λemitted by a distant galaxy, will be observed at the Earth at a longer wavelength, λobserved.  The difference between these two wavelengths is related to what astronomers call the redshift parameter, z by λobservedemitted = 1 + z.  This redshift parameter is a measure of the distance to the source and, since light travels at a finite speed, it is also a measure of look-back time to the early universe.  To look at high redshift objects is to see these galaxies as they were billions of years ago.  Researchers led by Professor Gordon Stacey at Cornell University built the redshift (z) and Early Universe Spectrometer (ZEUS) to study star formation at early times by detecting the fine-structure lines of C+, O, N+, and O++ as they are redshifted into the short submm windows available to observers on the CSO on Mauna Kea.  They are especially interested in observing these lines from galaxies in the redshift interval from 1 to 3, as it is within this interval that the star formation activity in the universe peaked.  During this time – 7 to 11 billion years ago, or 2 to 6 billion years after the Big Bang – star formation preceded at rates 10 to 30 times that of the present epoch.  It is very likely that during this time most of stars in the Milky Way galaxy formed.  It is also within this epoch that they find “hyper-luminous” sources – galaxies with luminosities equivalent to the light of more than 10 trillion Suns.  If stars are producing this energy, then these sources are producing stars at a rate thousands of times faster than the Milky Way galaxy does today.  Galaxies that produce stars at such enormous rates will consume the raw material for making stars (interstellar gas clouds) in times that are short (100 million years or so) compared with the age of the Universe (13.75 billion years), so that these star formation episodes must be punctuated, bursts of activity.  Therefore, they are often termed “starburst” galaxies.

  The rest wavelength of the important cooling line of C+ is 158 µm, so that it is transmitted through the 350 and 450 µm telluric windows for redshifts between 1 and 2.  Using ZEUS on the CSO, they made the first detection of this line C+ from the epoch of maximum star formation.  They detected it from the hyper-luminous starburst galaxy MIPS J142824 at z = 1.3.  This was also the first detection of this line from a source predominantly powered by star formation in the early universe (Hailey-Dunsheath et al. 2010).  Soon afterward, they published the first survey of the C+ line from high redshift galaxies, which at the time our paper was submitted, quadrupled the number of high redshift detections of this line (Stacey et al. 2010).  They detected C+ from an additional 12 sources, and reported a solid upper limit on a 13th.  Our source list is roughly evenly split into sources powered predominantly by star formation, those powered predominantly by accretion onto super-massive black holes (called active galactic nuclei, AGN), and sources with mixed, or poorly determined power sources.   The C+ line is very bright.  It is usually the brightest single line from all galaxies and within our source list has an apparent luminosity that is typically in excess of 10 billion Suns – nearly the entire luminosity of the Milky Way galaxy in a single line!  They find the ratio of the C+ line to far-infrared continuum is eight times larger in star formation dominated systems than it is in AGN dominated systems, so that a high ratio signals a starburst.  Furthermore, they find that unlike local systems, where star formation is confined to regions of the order 300 light years across, starbursts envelop galaxies in the early universe extending tens of thousands of light-years across.  The entire galaxy appears to be forming stars at prodigious rates!  If there is life on planets in these systems what a night sky this must be!

  They also have detected the O++ 88 µm line from two starburst/AGN composite systems SMM J02399 and APM 08279 at redshifts 2.8 and 3.9 using ZEUS on the CSO (Ferkinhoff et al. 2010).  These were the first detections of this line from any source outside the local universe. The brightness of the O++ line tells us that there is a very young, extremely luminous (about 30 trillion suns!) starburst in SMM J02399 dominated by stars that are at least 30 times more massive than the sun, and 200,000 times more luminous.  For APM 082790 they find the line could arise from an equally impressive starburst, but might also arise from the so called “narrow-line region” (NRL) that envelops the super-massive black hole known to be at the core of this galaxy.  Here then, we begin to learn the physics of the mass accretion onto black holes that lead to the extreme luminosity compact energy sources known as quasars.


Figure 1. C+ 158 µm line detections of redshift 1 to 2 galaxies made with ZEUS on the CSO.  

Figure 2. F ormer ZEUS graduate student Dr. Steve Hailey-Dunsheath fills ZEUS with liquid nitrogen on the CSO

Stacey et al. ApJ, 724, 957, 2010
Ferkinhoff et al. ApJ, 714, L147, 2010
Hailey-Dunsheath et al. ApJ, 714, L162, 2010

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