Operating the CSO

last updated on 04 Jan 2012 (since 02 December 2005)

This document is written to give you brief instruction which would help
when observing at the CSO. For complete explanations, please go to
the CSO Observing Manual. Also refer the troubleshooting page and the
Mini how-to page when some problem happens. Especially those who are
not so familiar with the telescope, please follow the instruction
written in Section V of this web page when you close the telescope. Some useful instructions given by Richard are available. Update history of this web page can be found at the end of this web page.
NEW DSOS Instruction is here (released on Sep 13 2011).
IMPORTANT: From the semester starting from 2009 September, observers are going to use the User Interface Program (UIP) system on *kilauea*, not on alpha1. Please refer the release notes, the user guide, and the transition guide for the new UIP program for more details. The top page of engineering and observing information maintained by Hiro Yoshida may also help you to guide where to look for for proper information.

0.) Things you must pay attention while observing:

- Your health condition:

If you feel any symptom of high altitude sickness (headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness light-headedness, weakness, fatigue, etc), we recommend you to go down to HP as soon as possible. Let your observing partner(s) know as soon as possible. If you think the symptom is due to Acute Mountain Sickness, please let your observing partners know the
situation immediately and ask them to call 911/Richard and/or Diana (the phone numbers are
posted on the wall, close to the console of Kilauea) and take you down to the emergency room
in Hilo as soon as possible. When you observe, you need to have at least two persons
at the summit.

- Check the weather condition:

Please keep an eye on the weather condition while you are observing.
You can check the latest weather data at

Current measurements at the summit Weather summary page at JAC compiled by Jonathan Kemp CSO Tau Monitor Page
Please close the shutter immediately if we have any of these weather conditions at the summit. Remember that it takes quite a long time (15min or so) to close shutter completely.
- High humidity (higher than 80%)
If you see any tendency for high humidity, close the shutter
At the same time, if the temperature is below zero degC,
ice can accumulate easily everywhere including on the vehicle
and on the road.

- Raining - Snowing If it starts snowing heavily, please evacuate from the summit soon. - High wind speed (more than 20m/s (roughly 44.7 miles per hour)).

You cannot observe under any of these weather conditions.
If any of these weather conditions starts while you are observing,
please close the shutter immediately.
Also, please read Inclement Weather Conditions as well as Safety documents for visitors carefully, preferentially at sea level. -If the tau meter stopped working, 0.) If the tau data keep showing 0.000, that may mean the window of the tau meter is covered by snow/ice. If that's the case, you have to wait until the snow or ice melts. i.) powercycle the tau meter in the welding shed building across the road. ii.) tau meter should send updated values now. In case if new tau values are not coming after waiting for 15 min or so, restart the tau logger on kilauea by issuing following command: xxx@kilauea: > /etc/init.d/tau restart Wait for 20 min or so to see new tau values. If it updates, you'll see them here. If you need to reboot kilauea/hau/wind computer for some reason, please contact Hiro Yoshida (hiro @ submm.caltech.edu).

- Avoid the Sun:

If you come up when the Sun is still up, don't move the antenna towards
the direction of the Sun. If it's sunset time, please move the antenna
towards east (az 90). You can check the CSO live camera to see if
there is no Sun light shed on any part of the antenna structures
The Sun light can hit the backup structure of the main dish and
tip part of the feed leg (close to secondary) when you are observing
in the morning after sunrise. Go upstairs to check with your eyes
once in a while, and monitor the CSO live camera always. (Once temperature
rises, pointing drift occurs. )

If you are still observing in the morning, move the antenna towards
west(az 270 or -90).

Remember az 0 corresponds to South, and az 180 corresponds to North.

- Intruder Alarm:
   An intruder alarm system is installed in the front apron area on the 
first floor.  
  Once the intruder alarm is triggered, you'll hear the big beeping noise 
and see a warning message every 5 seconds showing on the antenna display 
as well as on your UIP display.  
   To reset the alarm system, type following command on uip;  


To arm the alarm, on the Control Panel in the control room, 
move the toggle switch on the front to the "Alarm Latched" 

I.) Preparing observation:

0.) Instrument availability:

If you'd like to know which instruments would be available other than your
first priority program during your observing runs in advance, please contact
Simon Radford (sradford@caltech.edu).

Also, please check whiteboard in the control room. Day crews
may have left a note for you regarding instrument availability.
1.) Review if clearance is maintained for the telescope/instruments movement: During week days, usually day crew will check clearance before they leave from the summit. But it's a very good idea for you to review if clearance is maintained for the telescope/instrument movement, so that nothing will get hit/squished (check for ladders, oscilloscopes, any other equipments especially in the sidecab receiver room and the alidade area on the 2nd floor, cranes/chain hoist on the 3rd floor).

2.) UIP monitor: Login to the machine kilauea with your observing account and have a window to run UIP. kilauea > uip It's good to have your new log starting when you log in. Answer "n" if you want to start new log. UIP> If this is the window you use for the observation, type UIP> pundit true UIP> Pull up the emergency button on the control panel (big red one)
now to allow the telescope to move.

If you would like to prepare observations when the Sun is
still up, point the telescope towards opposite direction of
the Sun.

UIP> az 90

You can check the position of the Sun from the following command
UIP> verify sun /altaz

Check the antenna monitor to make sure that telescope moved to the azimuth of 90 (towards east). In case the telescope doesn't move, make sure if the emergency button is pulled or not. Also, please check the antenna computer display if any items are blinking. These are warning messages which you need to pay attention. 3.) Open the dome: Now you are ready to open the dome. Issue following command on UIP. UIP> shutter/open If the Sun is still high, you may open the shutter only part of it to avoid the Sun light hitting any of the antenna structures. You can do so by issuing following command UIP> shutter/open 15 to open the shutter only 15%. Once the shutter reaches the position where it's supposed to be, press the "STOP" button on the control panel or issue following command on UIP. UIP> shutter/stop Please don't open the dome under
- the very high humidity condition (more than 80%) or raining/snowing
- very high wind speed condition (more than 20m/s). See the first section
of this web page.
4.) Orrery: Have Orrery to check the objects in the sky. kilauea> orrery & 5.) Mirror: Check the tertiary mirror if the beam goes to your instrument. Please change the mirror configuration using following commands. - On UIP, type UIP> tertiary (to check the status) UIP> tertiary /sidecab (to select sidecab receivers) UIP> tertiary /nasmyth2 (to select the instrument(s) mounted on Nasmyth focus) UIP> tertiary /cassegrain (to select the instrument on the cassegrain focus) - To confirm the position, type UIP> tertiary - To stow the tertiary, type UIP> tertiary /stow (go to the position when select the cassegrain focus) If you encounter any problem, please report it to CSO staffs (nelson@submm.caltech.edu, hiro@submm.caltech.edu,sradford@caltech.edu). If the tertiary mirror gets stuck, try the followings. UIP> antenna /restart Login to smc4 from hau. Issue "reset" and "upload" on smc4, and exit from smc4. hau$ smc4 Opening SMC4... done smc4> reset smc4> upload smc4> exit After this procedure, try the "tertiary" command written above. 6.) Select an instrument: From here, the procedures will be different, depending on your instrument. Available facility
instruments include
230GHz band receiver (sidecab), (2) 345GHz band receiver (sidecab),
(3) 490GHz band receiver (sidecab), (4) 690GHz band receiver (sidecab),
(5) 850GHz band receiver (further instruction for 850Rx can be found here),
(6) 230GHz wideband receiver (180-300GHz, IF bandwidth of 16GHz),
(7) 345 GHz wideband receiver (280-420GHz, IF bandwidth of 4GHz),
(8) SHARCII (384pixels, lambda350/450/850 micron), (9) Bolocam (144pixels,
Also, available backends for heterodyne receivers
are (i) 50MHz band AOS (so called AOS2, 1024 channels), (ii) 4GHz
band AOS (so called AOS5, 2048 channels per 1GHz), and
(iii)Fast Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FFTS, 1GHz or 500MHz bandwidth, 8192 channels)
For 4GHz AOS, it can be configured as 1GHz band AOS (which uses one of
the four chunks (CH3) of the AOS) or as 4GHz band AOS. 1GHz band AOS
can be used with any sidecab receivers and 850 GHz receiver. 4GHz band
AOS can be used with wideband 230 or 345 GHz band receivers. Instruction
for using 4GHz AOS and wideband receivers can be found here. Instructions
to set up the 230GHz wideband receiver is found here summarized by Richard.
Instruction to setup the sidecab PLL for the 345 GHz wideband receiver (Barney) can be found here. When using the SMA PLL for the 345 GHz wideband receiver, please use the instruction here. If it's SHARCII, go to SHARCII web page or directly go to
SHARCII Cheatsheet. Procedure for transferring liquid helium can be found here.

If it's Bolocam, go to Bolocam web page.

If it's heterodyne receivers, you need to tune the receiver manually.
Tuning instructions are found at Tuning instruction page under
heterodyne instrumentation homepage. Overall instructions are found at
Receiver Tuning Cookbook page. Before starting the tuning process,
don't forget placing hot load in front of your receiver. Also, always wear
anti-static wrist strap with grounding wire when you touch receiver components
Note that the 1mm wide-band receiver and the 850 GHz receiver systems are different
from side cab receivers. Contact experts (1mm wide band rx: Richard Chamberlin,
Hiroshige Yoshida, Chip Sumner, Frank Rice/ 850GHz rx: Richard Chamberlin,
Hiroshige Yoshida, Jacob Kooi) for details.
For the high frequency observers (frequencies above 600 GHz), new instruction for DSOS is now available on the web.
If you get a message SYNTH FAIL(06) on the antenna status monitor,
powercycle the HP synthesizer (turn off and turn on) located just above the
oscilloscope that allows us to check the Gunn lock status. You turn off,
wait for 10 sec or so, and turn on the power of the HP synthesizer, and go back
to UIP, reload the line (UIP> lo yourline/force) and see if the error message
disappears or not. If this doesn't work, wait for 5 min. If 5min doesn't work
either, wait for 20 min to let the synthesizer cool down completely. After
20 min, turn the power on and load some other line which is lower than your
line frequency first, then load your line frequency next.

After you've done the tuning with the sidecab receivers, fold the ladders you used
and lean it against the wall.

II.) Notes for heterodyne observations:

Here, a brief instruction for heterodyne observations is written. You can also refer to 4.6 Heterodyne Cookbook in the CSO manual
for more detail information.
- If you want to use FFTS Please go to the AOS room and turn on the IF processor of FFTS. - Start AOS and/or FFTS UIP> spectrometer /aos5 /restart (to restart aos5)
or UIP> spectrometer /aos5 /ffts1 /bandwidth 0.5 /restart (to restart aos5 and ffts 500MHz mode)  aos5: 4 GHz bandwidth (Four chunks of 1 GHz bandwidth unit, IF1 through 4), 1024 channels per one IF ffts: 1GHz or 500 MHz bandwidth, 8192 channels

Note: The central channel of the FFTS is missing. You might shift your observing band to avoid having your spectrum at the central channel. If you'd like to give an offset of 5 MHz from the center using FFTS1 with wideband mode, you may type following command every time you change your source. UIP> spec /ffts1w 0.005
Set your integration time with spectrometer command. UIP> spectrometer 10 (means 10 seconds integration) - Start your new data file for heterodyne observation UIP> data yourdatafilename.dat 1001 1001 - Before tuning the receiver on - check the attenuator: fully attenuated - Multiplier bias: normal, set with a value of 4V - Magnet: off - Turn on one of sidecab receivers - UIP> za 44 (to allow the mirror to change the position for your receiver) - UIP> lo yourline /force /lock=default /if=1.5 (For side cab receivers, to set the line at the middle of the AOS) - check the tertiary mirror position. - Don't go beyond Vop of greater than 10.5 V. If you go beyond that, you'll be in the over voltage protection mode. To get out of the mode, do following. The steps below will be done in the phase lock control panel in the sidecab.
i. Switch to "local" mode from "remote" mode. ii. Turn the Gunn off. iii. Turn Vop down for 2-3 turns. At the same time, watch the Vop reading on the reader above the HP synthesizer. iv. Turn the Gunn on. v. Switch to "remote" mode from "local" mode. And follow tuning instruction for tuning. - Turn on Barney on a cass focus - UIP> inst RX345x - UIP> za 35 (to make it easy to see each component for tuning on the cass focus) - UIP> lo yourline /force /lock sma_pll /if 5.5 /receiver RX345X - UIP> POINTING BARNEY_CASS (load the pointing file for Barney) - UIP> spec /lock (force the antenna computer to accept the phase lock loop is locked) - UIP> spec xx /ffts1 5.5 /ffts2 /restart (/display puuoo:0) (xx: integration time, you can use ffts2 when using Barney and ZRex) - kilauea> /opt/uip/bin/disable_operator_terminal (disable "pll unlocked" warning message on the UIP terminal) A useful instruction on how to use Barney with sidecab PLL is available on the web (last updated on 2011/01/25) - Turn on Franks receiver on a cass focus - UIP> instrument RX230X - UIP> za 35 (to make it easy to see each component for tuning on the cass focus) - UIP> lo yourline /force /lock sma_pll /receiver RX230X - UIP> POINTING Z_REX - UIP> spec /lock (force the antenna computer to accept the phase lock loop is locked) - kilauea> /opt/uip/bin/disable_operator_terminal (disable "pll unlocked" warning message on the UIP terminal) A useful instruction on how to use Franks receiver is available on the web (last updated on 2010/05/06) - After tuning After you've done the tuning with the sidecab receivers, fold the ladders you used and lean it against the wall. - Chopper If you know your source is not so bright and is not very extended (within 2 arcmin or so), it's good to use the chopping observing mode. To set the secondary, use "sec" command UIP> sec zzz a.aaa b b (zzz is off position in arcsec. a: frequency, b: torrelence in arcsecounds. For example, if you issue following command "sec 180 0.925925 5 5", you'll find "azo" on the antenna computer monitor will become +90 or -90. ) For the frequency, please avoid using "1". Please give some odd number, like
1.234 etc.
The command give you four values you need to set manually for P, I, D, G. Please set these values in the side cab and issue the same command again on UIP. For more detail about the "sec" command, please find through "help" command. UIP> help sec - Start CLASS
You can use Class on kilauea. Type "class" or "class77" on a terminal
and be ready to check your spectra.

kilauea> cd /user_vax/xxx (xxx: your data directory)
kilauea> class
or kilauea> class77

LAS> file in yourdatafilename.dat
LAS> new

- Taking calibration scans
There are three types of calibrations, i.e., frequency calibration,
chopper wheel calibration, and temperature calibration. One needs to
take these calibrations regularly.

* frequency calibration
UIP> fcal

Note that frequency calibration scans are automatically taken
every time when you restart aos.

* chopper wheel calibration UIP> tcal /off yyy (yyy in arcseconds for off position) This will give you the system temperature on your AOS windows. Check if the system temperature is reasonable under a given weather. If your system temperature is very high, check if - the IF processor in the AOS room is on. --> If you use the FFTS, you need to turn it on. - any hot load placed in front of your receiver. --> remove the hot load. - the positions of the mirrors are incorrect. --> reload your mirror position with lo command. UIP> za 44 UIP> lo yourline /force UIP> tertiary /sidecab (to select sidecab receivers, for example) --> check the tertiary mirror. - your observing frequency is near a dip of the atmospheric transmission curve. --> plot the atmospheric transmission curve around your frequency. If your observing frequency is near one of the dips of the curve, your system temperature will be high even when the weather condition is excellent. For those of you who observe high redshift galaxies, your observing frequency may be far from the frequency you typed in on UIP. - the shutter of the dome is closed. --> issue "shutter/open" command on UIP. Once it's fully open, issue "shutter/stop" command on UIP. - the tau is very high and your elevation is very low. --> try at higher elevation. - high humidity, snowing, etc, bad weather conditions. --> stop the observations and close the shutter immediately. - check if you are in 5th harmonic. --> read section IV on this page. If you don't see any line although system temperature is low enough
and your source should have bright line,

- check which pointing model is loaded, on the antenna status monitor.
- check the latest pointing offset of the receiver in the pointing log
book on the shelf.
- check if you have set the frequency properly.

--> go back to your receiver and check the tuning table carefully.
Check if you set the correct lock and backshort values on the
- check if the line frequency set in your line catalogue is correct.

If you don't see any response although you are tweaking the tuner/power
micrometers when locking the Gunn,
(i) issue "lo/nogunn" on UIP, (ii) set slightly lower Vop value (maybe about 13), (iii) load the line you need with the right receiver and tune it again. If you don't get enough total power (about 1000 or more) although you
get response from the receiver,

(i) press the "local" button on the golden total power box (external IF
amplifier) attached with the receiver to get the local control instead
of remote control,
(ii) set the attenuation by adjusting the toggle on the total power box.
Watch for the total power response on the handset.
(iii) Once we get enough total power, press "remote" button and go back
to regular tuning process using handset.

* temperature calibration Take a couple of scans of planets, after pointing, to convert it to the brightness temperature of your spectra. UIP> planet mars If you use chopping mode, UIP> chop 1 If you use on/off position mode, UIP> oo 1 /step=yyy (yyy in arcseconds for off position) Take planet data at different elevations so that you can fit the data
and apply the conversion to derive the correct main beam temperature of
your spectra.

- Pointing

-- Call a proper pointing file (e.g., UIP> point 230_side)

-- Find the pointing log book in the bookshelf in the control room.
(It should be placed in the section marked "POINTING".)
Check the latest pointing offsets in az/za with your receiver,
and preset the offset if the default value for the pointing
file is far from it.
For example, if you find the typical
offsets are -110 and 15 in fazo/fzao respectively, type

UIP> fazo -110
UIP> fzao 15

to preset the values.

-- Start pointing after sunset. (Pointing may change
a lot when the temperature is dropping down. You can
learn more about temperature effect on pointing from
a document.)

-- If the Sun is already set, you can move the telescope to
your first pointing source.

UIP> planet mars

Line pointing -- If you use CO for your line pointing, you can call CO point star catalog. UIP> cat co_point_star -- Find a possible pointing source in Orrery, and move the telescope towards the source. If the source is IRC10216, say UIP> observe IRC10216 -- Take one temperature calibration scan. UIP> tcal /off=yyy (yyy in arcseconds.) -- Take one scan to find out the range of emission. If you use the chopping mode, UIP> chop 1 -- If you are not using chopping mode, UIP> oo 1 /step=ccc /nocal/noatt -- Check the spectrum shown in the spectrometer monitor, and find the range of baselines in channels. If you want to take baseline between 700 and 800, and between 1200 and 1300, say UIP> spectrometer x /base 700 800 1200 1300 /ffts1 (x is integration time in seconds. Use FFTS. ) UIP> five x y /center z /one /ffts1 (x: position offset for pointing; y: half width of the line that uses for pointing z: center channel of the line) and take five point scans UIP> five /one /ffts1w 15 This is an example to specify using FFTS for pointing, and 15 arcseconds step for the five points each other, with one cycle only. After the pointing scans, this will show you the results. If you want to apply the pointing, say "yes". Take a few scans of pointing to make sure the results are repeatable. -- Please write your pointing results down in the pointing sheet in the
pointing log book to share the information among observers.
If you
cannot find a new page, please make a few copies of blank pointing sheet,
and put it in the Pointing book, so that next time you can use them.

-- When you finish pointing, say

UIP> spectrometer /NOBASELINE

to unset baseline ranges.

Continuum pointing You can use bright planets like Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, depending on your observing frequency. UIP> planet mars For the case of continuum source, an example for five point command; UIP> five 15 /one /ffts1 /center 4015 400 This means use ffts1 (500MHz or 1GHz bandwidth) for pointing, and 15 arcseconds separation for the five points each other, band centered at 4015 channel with 400 channels both sides would be used for the pointing data, with one cycle only. Again, take a few scans of pointing to make sure the results are repeatable. -- Please write your pointing results down in the pointing sheet in the
pointing log book.
-- If you want to find some specific lines coming from upper side band or lower sideband, you can issue following "lo" command and move the lines by -5 MHz for example. UIP> lo /f_off= -0.005

III.) Switching an instrument to other:

1.) If you switch from SHARCII to Heterodyne, type UIP> focus /stealthy UIP> sweep stop UIP> instrument xxx (xxx may be either of RX230, RX345, RX460, RX690, RX805, RX230X, RX345X) Change the tertiary mirror: UIP> tertiary /sidecab (Check more details in Section I. 5., written above. ) 2.) If you switch from Heterodyne to SHARCII, type UIP> inst sharc2 Change the tertiary mirror: UIP> tertiary /nasmyth2 (Check more details in Section I. 5., written above. )

IV.) Some other information:

For all instruments: "help" command Help on all commands on UIP can be shown with "help" command. UIP> help (command) "status" command To know the status of the system of the telescope, type UIP> status This may help when you got out of the UIP system accidentally. Log related - If you want to make a new log UIP> log /open newlogname - When close the log UIP> log /close - View your current logs go to the dir /bigdisk/opt/uip/log/ and view the log you want to see. - If you logged out from UIP not in a normal way, you loose your log. Logs are recorded only when you finish UIP in a proper way, with "exit" command. - When many problems occurred at the same time (cannot take any scans, antenna doesn't move, aos hanged, scans stopped in the middle of integration, etc), you may try UIP> antenna /restart /nosync or UIP> antenna /restart More detailed info can be found at one of Hiro's antenna page. Do not press "reset" button or powercycle the antenna computer unless you are certain that hard reset/powercycle is needed.

- Refer the useful troubleshooting page Go to the trouble shooting page for more details.

SHARCII related: -- Don't type "absolute" focus command or X/Y/Z position command. In case if you mistakenly typed, UIP> focus /constant or UIP> inst sharc2 UIP> focus /offset=xxx ( set offset value from the base position. Put the original value in, according to your observing log. ) Focus mode is going to be FIXED after that. In this mode, focus adjusts only when a new source is observed. SHARC II doesn't send focus updates like the heterodyne observing. Heterodyne related: -- Close the catalog UIP> cat /close -- Add new source Edit your source catalog "private_catalog.cat" under ~/.uip/cat . -- Verify the source you put in UIP> ver sourcename -- Add new line Edit your line catalog "private_catalog.line_cat" under ~/.uip/cat . -- Verify the line UIP> ver /line linename -- Open the CO pointing catalog: UIP> cat co_point_star -- Use your script: It would be convenient if you have a script for your mapping observation. We recommend you to prepare your own scripts for your observations as needed. To run your script, type UIP> @ yourscript.pro If this give you an error, press Control-C and restart your script again UIP> @ yourscript.pro If you want to kill the script before it finishes, type press Control-C -- When you loose the spectrometer display on Knoppix while observing, try reboot Knoppix. (Use the mouse and select "reboot".) Then issue UIP> antenna/restart/nosync and UIP> spectrometer /restart ... (specify your backend.) If this doesn't fix, and if you want to redirect the display on kilauea, you may issue UIP> spectrometer /display kilauea.submm.caltech.edu /restart ... (specify your backend.) -- How to get out from 5th harmonic on 345 GHz sidecab receiver Symptom: If "I-V curve" on the handset tells you the frequency is above 400 GHz, it's most likely you are in 5th harmonic mode. To get rid of the symptom, there are a couple of things you can try. i) Look for a log sheet which tells you the receiver setting at the frequency. Preset these values (backshort/E-plane) and try to maximize the total power by optimizing the LO. ii) Set the "I-V curve" mode on the handset. Change the backshort and E-plane to find the position where the first photon step shrinks. If it shrinks, that's in the 4th harmonic mode which you want to have. Leave backshort and E-plane there, and try maximize the power by changing multiplier.

V.) When you finish observations:

- Close the dome. Issue following command on UIP. UIP> shutter/close Once the shutter is closed, push the "stop" button on the control panel.
If the shutter doesn't close, Please follow the instruction to fix the problem. Please send an email to Simon Radford (sradford @ caltech.edu) to report what happened. - If you used heterodyne receivers, turn the receiver off. - UIP> lo /nogunn - wear the anti-static wrist strap with grounding wire - attenuator: fully attenuated (maximum length) - magnet -> set 0 -> off - multiplier bias voltage -> set 0 -> short - receiver off (on the hand set, hit "main") - turn off the IF processor of FFTS in the AOS room if you used FFTS. !!! If the Sun is already up, make sure the shutter of the dome is
almost completely closed before issue the "stow" command. Please
prevent the Sun light hit any part of the antenna structures. Check the CSO live cameras.
- Stow the antenna UIP> stow - File your observing report form on the web
While you are waiting the telescope to be stowed, please file
your observing report. The report form is available on a web.

- Push the emergency button Please push the emergency button on the control panel (big red one) before you go down. - Fold the ladders you used while setting the instrument and lean it
against the wall.
- If you used chopper, issue
UIP> sec /stop
- Put the pointing log book back to the shelf.
For those who did heterodyne observations,
add your pointing sheet you filled over the night at the end the log book
and put the pointing log book back to the bookshelf on the place marked

- Turn off all the lights (and heaters if you used) in the building. Also, please lock the two entrance/exit doors.
It's all done! Drive safely!

Update history (since 2009-04-17)
2009-04-17:  Added links of the instructions for (1) SHARCII Cryogen fill, 
(2) 850 GHz receiver setup, setups to use (3) sidecab PLL and 
(4) SMA PLL for the 345 GHz wideband receiver (Barney).  

2009-09-04: Added a link to the instruction page of new UIP that runs on Unix/Linux platforms.
2010-05-04: Fixed a few statements to match with new UIP commands. 2010-06-17: Added a link to the CSO Atmospheric Transmission Interactive Plotter to guide users who measure high system temperature. 2010-07-14: Added trouble shooting procedure for tertiary mirror. 2010-08-19: Added contents for tau logger running on kilauea. 2010-08-31: Updated the procedure on how to fix tau meter reading. 2010-09-14: Updated the procedure on how to open/close the shutter of the dome, as per the change made by Hiro Yoshida. 2010-10-13: Misc changes as per the change made by Hiro Yoshida. 2010-10-26: Added troubleshooting info when spectrometer display is lost under the section IV. Some other info. 2011-04-21: Added instructions on how to use Barney/Franks RX in the section for the tips for heterodyne receivers. Added a link to Richard's memo/instruction web page. Updated the instruction on the five pointing. 2011-08-28: Removed the description that is obsolete for Barney's PLL commands. 2011-10-23: New DSOS instruction is linked. 2012-01-04: The way to avoid the line to be on the missing central channel of FFTS1 using "spectrometer" command is provided. Also, the lo command with option /f_off is moved to the section where people want to know lines are coming from either USB or from LSB.

Please send me (Hiroko Shinnaga: shinnaga_at_submm.caltech.edu) your feedback to improve this document. Thanks very much!